setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (PDOException $e) { /* If there is an error an exception is thrown */ echo 'Connection failed
'; echo 'Error number: ' . $e->getCode() . '
'; echo 'Error message: ' . $e->getMessage() . '
'; die(); } // echo 'Successfully connected!'.PHP_EOL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// OUTPUT TORRENT DATA ////////////////////////////////////////// /* Query to select all torrents from your database */ $query = "SELECT * FROM torrents ORDER BY id ASC"; // CHANGE_THIS /* Query to select torrents uploaded in last hour from your database */ // $query = "SELECT * FROM torrents WHERE upload_time > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR) ORDER BY id ASC"; try { /* Prepare step */ $res = $pdo->prepare($query); /* Execute step */ $res->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { /* If there is an error an exception is thrown */ echo 'Query error
'; echo 'Error number: ' . $e->getCode() . '
'; echo 'Error message: ' . $e->getMessage() . '
'; die(); } // get torrents data from database $torrents = $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $saveTxtFile = $saveFolder.$saveFileName; // open txt file to write torrents data $fh = fopen($saveTxtFile, 'w+') or die("can't open file"); // loop to write each torrent to txt file foreach ($torrents as $key => $value) { /* ######################################## OUTPUT DATA ######################################## INFO_HASH - Torrent infohash example: 092358777175c4306602f9b1b523738df4b4610b TORRENT_TITLE - Torrent title example: Bitcoin Core 25.0 TORRENT_CATEGORY - Torrent category and subcategory if any example 1: PC > Software example 2: Software TORRENT_INFO_LINK - HTTPS link that has information on torrent and .torrent download links or magnet link example: TORRENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_LINK - .torrent file download link, if you do not save and host .torrent file you can put value NO_TORRENT_FILE, or use one of free .torrent hosting websites example 1: example 2: example 3: example 4: example 5: example 6: NO_TORRENT_FILE ############################################################################################### !!! All fields are required. !!! OUTPUT LINE FORMAT: INFO_HASH|TORRENT_TITLE|TORRENT_CATEGORY|TORRENT_INFO_LINK|TORRENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_LINK EXAMPLES: 092358777175c4306602f9b1b523738df4b4610b|Bitcoin Core 25.0|PC > Software|| OR 092358777175c4306602f9b1b523738df4b4610b|Bitcoin Core 25.0|Software||NO_TORRENT_FILE */ $dataToWrite = $value["INFO_HASH"].'|'. // INFO_HASH - CHANGE_THIS str_replace("|", " ", $value["TORRENT_TITLE"]).'|'. // TORRENT_TITLE - make sure to replace "|" character in name - CHANGE_THIS $value["TORRENT_CATEGORY"] . " > " . $value["TORRENT_SUB_CATEGORY"].'|'. // TORRENT_CATEGORY - CHANGE_THIS ''.$value["ID"].'/|'. // TORRENT_INFO_LINK - CHANGE_THIS ''.strtoupper($value["INFO_HASH"]).'.torrent'."\n"; // TORRENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD_LINK - CHANGE_THIS // write torrent information line fwrite($fh, $dataToWrite); } // close txt file fclose($fh); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// COMPRESS OUTPUT TXT FILE ////////////////////////////////////////// // We recommend METHOD 2 on linux servers, if you have exec disabled or do not have gzip then leave METHOD 1 $gzMethod = 1; // CHANGE_THIS // METHOD 1 if($gzMethod == 1){ $fp = fopen($saveTxtFile, "r"); $txtFiledata = fread ($fp, filesize($saveTxtFile)); fclose($fp); $zp = gzopen($saveTxtFile.".gz", "w9"); gzwrite($zp, $txtFiledata); gzclose($zp); } // METHOD 2 if($gzMethod == 2){ exec('gzip '.$saveTxtFile); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // delete .txt file unlink($saveTxtFile); ?>